Cenizo Journal Spring 2013 | Page 29

! A L P I N E, T E X A S A Roadhouse for Wanderers ! ! ! ! ! (432) 837-0628 www.themaverickinn.com Alpine Agate Festival Beautiful utilitarian objects for your home and merriment Wednesday-Sunday 11-6 www.mirthmarfa.com • mirthmarfa@gmail.com 105 W Texas Street • 432.729.4448 "%& !!'(!)!*'+!*,'- .$01(34!1(!(53!"!% #3!7 * 0!73#(3& 9:;;!"4" '' $# >??:!@:AB;C!,!EA>-C!7?:G;:!,!9A;.>!H:A@C!,!>;I?!>;".;:C !"#$!# '()*$)"-')./"$)#0)12"/$')3$()"-').-/-#3-#3$)5'!' ")6'7)3$()8/$' 32).2#* .#$"39"):3#2)3");<=>?=@>;A=B)0# )7# ')/$0# 73"/#$ :3#2C 3$*'32D7##$2/C-"C'7!"#$'!E9#7 West Texas Landscapes LOCAL FL AVOR Historic Murphy Street Fun shopping. Good eating. Garden pottery. Shaved ice. Lodging. Saturday farmer's market. Art and more. wendylynnwright.com One block south of the train station Alpine, TX H OLIDAY I NN E XPRESS & S UITES OF A LPINE 2004 East Hwy. 90 Alpine, TX 79830 (432) 837-9597 Cenizo Second Quarter 2013 29