Cenizo Journal Spring 2013 | Page 28

Trans-Pecos TRIVIA by Charles Angell CENIZO JOURNAL TRIVIA ST. JONAH ORTHODOX CHURCH Marfa's Swiss Café ◊ Come, See & Hear the Services of Early Christianity Sunday 10 am • Wednesday 6:30 pm 405 E. Gallego Avenue • Alpine, TX 79830 bigbendorthodox.org • 832-969-1719 1) The Cenizo Journal has entertained and informed readers for several years now, featur- ing the artwork, photography and writing of West Texans. When did the first issue debut? a) April 2009 c) January 2010 b) July 2008 d) October 2011 2) The name Cenizo is the Spanish name for what? a) a blessing, or gesundheit c) ghost b) swamp, marshy area d) Purple Sage 3) The Journal's first issue cover was a photograph of its namesake; this photo was taken by which frequent contributor? a) James H. Evans c) Crystal Allbright b) David Shane Duke d) Matthew Brady 4) Before settling on the Journal's current name, which of the following titles was considered for the magazine? a) Alpine Quarterly c) La Frontera b) WestPress Digest d) all of the above 5) The Cenizo Journal has a circulation of approximately 11,000 and is distributed in eight counties, as far away as Laredo and Austin; without the support of its readers and con- tributors it would not exist. What is the sole source of funding that makes this possible? a) Literary grants c) Hotel-Motel Taxes b) Advertisers d) Lottery ticket sales Bonus: What can readers do to contribute to the future and growth of Cenizo Journal? Answers: 1) A 2) D 3) C 4) C 5) B Bonus: Advertise 1887 & Now !"#$%&'(()*+(,-% .,-%,/ Free Admission; Donations Welcome Open Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am- 3 pm 112 East Murphy Street in Odessa, Texas 432.333.4072 www.whitepoolhouse.org Funded in part by the Texas Historical Commission and OCA&H . 28 Cenizo Second Quarter 2013 D AVIS M OUNTAINS N UT C OMPANY Roasted and Dipped Pecans You can taste the difference care makes! Please stop in for FREE SAMPLES Hwy 17 in Fort Davis • Open: Mon. - Sat. 9 to 5 Great handmade gourmet gifts! Visit us on the web: www.allpecans.com 800-895-2101 • 432-426-2101 dmnc@allpecans.com