Cenizo Journal Spring 2013 | Page 30

SHOP BIG BEND SHOP BIG BEND SHOP BIG BEND SHOP BIG BEND We Love Creating Your Custom Order Bouquet! A Gallery of Original, Regional Art plus Texas... Wines Antiques Cactus & Thangs Papalote Antiques & Thangs 512.791.4823 Hwy 90 - Sanderson Hwy 170, Terlingua bigbendholidayhotel.com 855.839.2701 ‘Tis the Reason Flowers & Gifts Hwy 90 - Sanderson Free Delivery in Sanderson 305 S. Cockrell St. • Alpine sandersontxrealestate.com Front Street Books 432.837.7205 tel 607 E. Avenue E • Alpine kingjewelers@bigbend.net 10-5 Tues.-Fri. 10-2 Sat. 121 E. Holland Ave. • Alpine 105 W Hwy 90 • Marathon The Starlight is open with a great menu, friendly prices, excellent service, a full bar and live entertainment almost every night. More fun! Open 7 days a week 5-Midnight Dinner served 5-10 Happy Hour 5-6 Starlight Theatre 432.837.9419 tel 432.837.9421 fax Hwy 90 - Sanderson King Jewelers Texas Registration Number 16095 NCARB #49712 Architect, PLLC 432.345.2222 Kenn Norris’ Antiques, Auctions 432.940.9425 & Real Estate Services Alan King has been in the business since 1979, and is selling fine jewelery in the heart of Big Bend. Gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, and semi - precious stones are our specialty. Come in for custom designed jewelery or repairs. Architectural services for residential, commercial, institutional and municipal projects. Providing sustainable architecture for the Big Bend. Thomas Greenwood Years and years of a growing and finely aging collection of regional antiques and collectibles. We'll bet our boots you'll find a surprise in every aisle. Also providing expe- rienced real estate and auction services. Your unique Sanderson source for fresh flowers and gifts for all occasions. We also offer a great variety of regional jams, preserves and sauces, jewelry, gift baskets, candles, baby clothes ‘n’ more! Sophisticated accommodations in the Historic Ghost Town of Terlingua, Texas. Tasteful – Eclectic – Luxurious. Near Big Bend National Park and Big Bend Ranch State Park between Lajitas and Study Butte on Scenic Highway 170. Holiday Hotel Sanderson’s Other Gift Shop Terlingua 432.371.3400 432.371.2326 Stop by and enjoy our calm, friendly atmosphere. Find a quiet corner to sit and read, sip a cup of coffee or talk about life and litera- ture with like-minded folk . Front Street Books – an institution in the heart of Big Bend Country. 432.837.3360 fsbooks.com Lapidary, Fine Silver - smithing, Minerals & Fossils. Paul Graybeal, owner. Ben Toro, assoc. West Texas agates and rare semiprecious gems from around the world. We buy old collections of agates and minerals. Open Mon.-Sat., 10-6, Sun., 12-5 or by appointment. Moonlight Gemstones 1001 W. San Antonio • Marfa moonlightgemstones.com 432.729.4526 Fine art photographs • Oil paintings • Etchings • Books In Marathon • 4 doors down from the Gage Hotel All welcome, but appointments are best • Please call !"#"$"%"#"""&"'"("#") *+,'"!-)+."/"0#$"1"2$+**"/"3#&+4"5+6+62"/".*#))+."7-8'04( 344*"�*')"/")9-%%*'04#$5"/"#+$"94.8':"/",+5'4"2#!') %$''";+$'*'))"+6&'$6'&"/"%+$'3*#.'"/"8+&.9'6"43'6"&+*"< !"#$%&$'($)*+,$$$$$---&.*/01+2*03*&4,2$$$$$$56!78!#755!9 30 Cenizo Second Quarter 2013