3 . “ Sunrise at The Desk ” - Matthew Walter - “ There were several photos of the desk submitted for this contest . Of course , The Desk is pretty much a “ must see ” if you spend any time as a hiking tourist in Alpine . This photo makes an especially beautiful image by capturing the wildly beautiful sunrise , the colorful reflection off the sides of the desk and the unique addition of the other photographers working hard to get the shot in the early morning light . The photographers picked a great morning to get up early and get out there .”
Bucks Honoring America & Law Enforcement - Felipe Fierro “ Nice action in focus . Great idea highlighting the flags by putting the players and background in black and white . The image wouldn ’ t be near as powerful if the colors of the players ’ uniforms , etc . were competing with the flags . A nice tribute .”
16 Cenizo Winter 2021
Rugged Hands - Annette Thompson “ Hands can be a great photo subject . This photo captured the hands and the other details that make a beautiful photo . The light-colored mane and rope , the dark reins and saddle , and of course , the hard-working weathered hands create a thoughtprovoking photo . And the sepia print finishes it off .”