Cenizo Journal Winter 2020 | Page 29

Alpine Photo Contest WINNER OF THE 2019 HL KOKERNOT, JR. MEMORIAL AWARD ($500) “Ocean in the Sky” by Dustin Garza “This image draws the eye immediately to the lightning and then your view flows naturally to the rain flowing down on the Twin Sisters. The colors are very appealing, the horizon is level, the focus is excellent, and the drama in the clouds is powerful. Excellent exposure for a dark setting. This image just screams west Texas monsoon and captures the experience of Alpine for residents and travelers alike.” — Lee Hoy, 2019 Alpine TX Photo Contest Judge What is a cenizo? The cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) is an evergreen shrub native to Texas and Northern Mexico. Also known as Texas sage or purple sage, it is sometimes also called the rain sage, because it can bloom at any time of the year after adequate rainfall. The cenizo is not a true sage; it belongs instead to the figwort family. It loves soils high in calcium carbonate, requires minimal watering, can be easily shaped into ornamental shrubs and is an important host to several species of moth and butterfly. The pale, silvery-green leaves and bell-shaped flowers are a hallmark of west Texas. A plant of many names, it is sometimes referred to as a barometer bush because an increase in humidity and soil moisture can trigger a bloom. The flowers are most often purple but can also be light pink and occasionally white. Cenizo Winter 2020 29