Cenizo Journal Winter 2020 | Page 28

ayn Foundation (das maximum) andy warhol maria zerres “The Last Supper” “September Eleven” Brite Building 107-109 n highland, marfa Trans-Pecos Trivia open weekends noon to 5 pm For hours, please call: 432.729.3315 or visit www.aynfoundation.com The Chihuahua Trail 4) How long would a fully-loaded caravan take to complete the journey on the Chihuahua Trail? a) 120 days b) 90 days c) 40 days d) 15 days Music To Your Ears CDs • DVDs • Vinyl Games • Special Orders Tue-Sat 10-6 203 E Holland Ave, Alpine 432.837.1055 ringtailrecords@sbcglobal.net Radio f or a Wide Rang ge Serving F ar W es t T e x as a t 9 3.5 FM Bec ome a member a t www . marf apublicr adio . or g or 1-800-90 3 -KR T S 28 Which Spanish general first explored the ancient corridor used by Native peoples for centuries? a) Francisco Vasquez de Coronado b) Francisco Sanchez Chamuscado c) Antonio de Espejo d) Don Juan de Onate Cenizo Winter 2020 Bonus: About how long is the modern Chihuahua trail? a) 1,000 miles b) 165 c) 317 miles d) 550 miles Bonus: D info@evesgarden.org www.evesgarden.org 3) 4. C Ave C & N 3rd • Marathon, TX Which two historic cities are connected by the Chihuahua Trail? a) Mexico City and El Paso b) Chihuahua and Santa Fe c) Chihuahua and San Antonio d) Melchor Muzquiz and Albuquerque 3. A 432.386.4165 2) 2. B Bed and Breakfast The Chihuahua Trail is a segment of which much-longer Spanish highway? a) Camino de la Bahia b) the Old Spanish Trail c) Camino Real de Tierra Adentro d) Paseo del Norte Answers: 1. C Eve’s Garden 1)