The McGonagill
A three bedroom, two bath stone house available for vacation rental in beautiful Marathon, Texas
Accomodations for 2 to 6. Large yard, close to downtown. Call 432.395.2454
Mesquite Balls
As a treat, a snack or while camping
I love these. They are filled with pow-
erhouse super foods and the basic
recipe can be easily altered to include
what you love.
1 cup chopped nuts - pecans (Texas
grown of course) walnuts or almonds -
your choices.
3/4 cup chopped dried fruit
1/4 cup mesquite flour
1/4 cup cacao or cocoa powder
Mix nuts and dried fruit. Mix in
mesquite flour and cacao or cocoa.
Shape into 12-16 balls, refrigerate until
firm and enjoy! You can store them in
an air tight container or individually
wrapped in waxed paper.
So you get the general idea, you can
change around the nuts, fruits and
extras to include or not include any-
thing you want. Different nuts and
fruits make entirely different tasting
balls. You might want to up your pro-
tein intake even more so hemp powder
would be a good choice, maybe you
want to feel fuller for longer so soaked
chia seeds are a likely candidate, per-
haps you like the bright green super
food spirulina in your diet, add it! I
keep one kind or another of these on
hand for snacking and I love them so!
Apr 10-12: Viva Big Bend Food Festival Apr 18-20: Alpine Agate Festival May 2-4: Cinco de Mayo
After exploring the Big Bend’s sunny, rugged country,
add the
sugar/mesquite flour to the egg whites
as they are beaten with an electric
mixer. Add the salt and lemon juice
while continuing to beat the mixture.
Continue beating until stiff peaks form.
Immediately after beating drop by
tablespoon onto a parchment-covered
cookie sheet. Bake at 210’ for 60-90
minutes, until cookies are crisp. Be
careful not to let the cookies brown.
Mesquite has a strong taste in general
and especially when overcooked.
Watch these cookies and do not allow
to burn.
continued from page 23
ALPINE offers a taste of art, music, history, and a laid-back,
friendly nightlife. Enjoy the evening with a fine meal and
Cool evenings, friendly
make rentals
ALPINE in the
the best people
of great
hotels hotels
and guest
the perfect
region. end to a day in
the Big Bend region. Follow us at for the latest event info:
Jul 24-27 Viva Big Bend Music Festival Aug 8-9 Big Bend Ranch Rodeo Aug 30-Sep 1 Big Bend Balloon Bash
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Third Quarter 2014