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by Charles Angell
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1) In 1903 Cipriano Hernandez arrived in the region and started a small trading post/store
in what is now known as Castolon. What was the name of the small community prior to
it being changed to Castolon?
a) Pueblo Nuevo
c) Glenn Springs
b) Santa Helena, TX
d) Camp Misery
2) The first of the Stillwell family arrived in the Big Bend in the 1870s, establishing a trade
route that went into Mexico, crossing the Rio Grande at what is now known as Stillwell
crossing. Which Texas town did this route originate from?
a) Marathon
c) Sanderson
b) Presidio
d) Murphyville
3) Harris Smith worked and ran the Fresno Mine, located approximately five miles north
of Lajitas, processing cinnabar ore into mercury. Which well-known rancher from
inside present-day National Park boundaries was his business partner?
a) Gilberto Luna
c) Homer Wilson
b) Sam Nail
d) Roscoe P. Coletrane
2014 Chamber Events
July - Chili Cook-off and Dance at the Post Park
September - West Fest Cabrito Cook Off at Post Park
October - Marathon to Marathon & Quilt Show
November - Cowboy Social at Ritchey Brothers Building
December - Fiesta de Noche Buena
5) John Spencer is known for his vast cattle empire during the later 1800s in southern
Presidio county. What other notable acheivment did he accomplish in the 1860s?
a) erecting the first barbed wire fence c) managing the railroad construction
b) discovering Silver in Shafter
d) patenting the Ensilage machine
Bonus: Which of the above mentioned characters was purported to have lived to 108?
Answers: 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-b Bonus: Gilberto Luna
– go to marathontexas.com for details –
4) Fransisco Solis and sons ran a mercantile store in Boquillas during the early 1900s. He
also discovered cinnabar ore that helped to establish which mercury mine?
a) Rainbow Mine
c) Chisos Mine
b) Colquitt Mine
d) Mariscal Mine
Third Quarter 2014