Cenizo Journal Winter 2022 | Page 24

Javelina Family Perfume by Carolyn zniewski

Javelina Family Perfume by Carolyn zniewski

Any day at dusk here in the Chihuahuan Desert or the Davis Mountains one sees families of Javelinas , called squadrons , looking like grey , hairy tanks on spindly stilts , scooting across the desert between the prickly pear cactus and the scrubby mesquite clumps . These strange looking beasties are among the longest surviving species of mammal on the earth . The earliest examples found lived during the Eocene period some 37 million years ago . The collared peccary ( Tayassu tajacu ), known in Big Bend as the Javelina , has managed to survive , adapt and continue to populate the deserts of the Americas from the southwestern United States to as far south as
Argentina . They live together in family groups of between eight and fifteen , headed by the biggest , strongest male . As a group they mark and defend their territory .
Sometimes javelinas are called skunk pigs or musk hogs because of their strong scent . But don ’ t go worrying about it being some kind of handicap , because for the Javier and Lena family it is a signature perfume .
Javelina have very poor eyesight and use their sense of smell to identify each other . They rub up against each other , creating an individualized family perfume . If a wily stranger tries to enter the area , their nose reveals the interloper even from a good distance . A javelina ’ s sense of smell rivels any bloodhound on the trail . Their first defense against predators is to smell them coming ; suddenly the entire family is off and running at up to 38 or 40 miles per hour . If necessary , the adults will attack an enemy and although the are good fighters with strong bodies and vicious teeth and jaws , a head-on fight is always the last resort .
An adult male can weigh up to 78 pounds but 60 to 65 is average , females are between 44 and 65 pounds . They are fully adult in about a year . Mothers separate themselves from the family and set up a small nursery territory where the males are not allowed for the first few weeks of

24 Cenizo Winter 2022