Cenizo Journal Winter 2019 | Page 26

continued from page 4 affairs,” Elder said, “but I spend a lot of my time on the top of mountains, just looking around, where there’s no dis- tractions, no telephone poles, no trains, no people, no cell phone service.” He was born Harold Boyd Elder at Southwestern General Hospital in El Paso on Jan. 12, 1944, to Hal Elder of Bogota, Texas, and Billye Lee Bell Elder of Valentine. Hal was an artist, leather worker, car collector and mechanic, tennis player, wanna-be golfer, and actor (the banjo- picking professional gong-ee on “The Gong Show” in the late ‘70s). Billye had been a public-school special education and physical education teacher with the El Paso Independent School District for 38 years when she retired. Boyd’s younger brothers, Kenneth Mack Elder and Howard Stanton Elder, were born at the same hospital. Boyd once described himself as an artistic child, “cursed with the blessing” of a vivid imagination. He grew up in El Paso, but he and his brothers spent as much time as they could in Valentine on the Bell family ranch, including many weekends, holidays and every summer. Elder attended and studied art at El Paso’s Burges High School. He played hooky for a few months in his junior year on a road trip with friends to Louisiana. Upon returning, he was sent to El Paso Tech (“Where all the kids who got thrown out of all the other high schools went,” his brother Mack, said). Outside the classroom, Elder studied at the El Paso Museum of Art with noted local artists including Jan Herring and Wiltz Harrison. He also continued experimenting with other non-classical mediums and techniques, including pin-striping hot rods and motorcycles belonging to friends, among them Billy Gibbons, the future Rev. Billy F. Gibbons of ZZ Top. High school hijinks notwithstand- ing, Elder won numerous art awards and then a partial scholarship from the Texas Art Association. In 1963 he was accepted at both Art Center Los Angeles and the Disney-affiliated Chouinard Art Institute in downtown L.A. “When I went to L.A. … to pick up my scholarship papers at Art Center, they told me I couldn’t wear shorts, and 26 Photo of Boyd Elder courtesy of Barbara FG , www.barbarafg.com Cenizo First Quarter 2019