Cenizo Journal Winter 2017 | Page 7

C enizo Not es by Carolyn Brown Zniewski, publisher and Danielle Gallo, editor I like to think of the Cenizo as a family. So many different people with a wide variety of views have contributed to our spe- cial magazine. One thing I think we all have in common is a great love for the Big Bend. We have been publishing for eight years. April, 2017 will be the start of our ninth year. Jim Glendinning’s Voices of Big Bend has been in every issue. In a way it is the back- bone of our magazine. Certainly the voices of the folks who live here are the foundation of Big Bend. We may be limited in number but we are mighty in our ability to work together in the production of an amazing and diverse culture. The crew, writers and artists here at the Cenizo are multi-talented and their work for the Cenizo is only one of several things each of us does. Just in the last few months Wendy Lynn married and moved to nearby El Paso. Lucky for us, the Internet keeps her in touch, and so she will continue to be the Graphics Designer while living much closer to an air- port. Rani, with the Cenizo two years, is the newest staff member, Maya lives the farthest away, Lou works full time at Sul Ross, Danielle is finishing up her degree and I have my grandson visiting so I make dinner almost every night. Winter is a good time to curl up and read, or do as I am doing and write vignettes of your life events. Do enjoy this issue; we have a great selection of work. T he big wheel turns, and a new year begins. As we celebrate yet anoth- er successful revolution around the sun, I can’t help but notice so many new things here in the Big Bend. Oil and gas exploration are boom- ing, and suddenly the rumble of trucks and pumps are no longer off in the distance, but in our backyard. An influx of newcomers is dotting the landscape with new houses, and the long, quiet roads with new cars and trucks. I scarcely recognize the Terlingua that used to be my home, with its boom of businesses and new residents. We have a coffee roaster, a brewery, and cell serv- ice—all things that were nonexistent when I moved here. It’s easy to look askance when a familiar landscape shifts, especially as we get older and changes seem to come in an instant. It’s easy to cry, “interloper!” when a stranger fails to wave or takes our favorite booth at Alicia’s. But real- ly, as the old guard continually changes over to the new, we gain so much—a stronger appre- ciation of what makes us unique, the broader perspective of a more diverse community, fresh ideas for how to improve our quality of life and strengthen the bonds that hold us together, for starters. This issue of Cenizo features some highlights of our past, like the invention of a revolution- ary airplane and an ancient Christmas tradi- tion, Cowboy poetry and old tales of our Mystery Lights. As I read them, I thought about all the people who are discovering these things for the first time, and I’m grateful to be able to see them through their eyes. I hope you enjoy them too. B ALMORHEA R OCK S HOP 102 S Main • Balmorhea 432-375-0214 Jim and Sue Franklin, Owners Shop with us on-line facebook.com/ balmorhearocks photographs NEW shop online crystalallbright.com GALLERY Desert Sports Terlingua . Texas a r tist editor@cenizojournal.com business@cenizojournal.com mayamadeapothecary@gmail.com BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls WEB MANAGER Maya Brown Zniewski Crystal Allbright Murphy St Mercado 100 W. Murphy St Alpine C ENIZO JO URN AL S TA F F publisher@cenizojournal.com ◊ Fr. Nicholas Roth Sunday 10 am • Wednesday 6:30 pm 405 E. Gallego Avenue • Alpine, TX 79830 432-360-3209 • bigbendorthodox.org drawings P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com EDITOR Danielle Gallo Come, See & Hear the Services of Early Christianity paintings Published by Cenizo Journal LLC PUBLISHER Carolyn Brown Zniewski ST. JONah ORThODOx ChURCh 432 837 0914 ADVERTISING Rani Birchfield advertising@cenizojournal.com Monday 9-6 • Wednesday- Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10 -2 • Closed Tuesday DESIGN/PRODUCTION Wendy Lynn Wright graphics@cenizojournal.com Cenizo First Quarter 2017 7