Cenizo Journal Winter 2014 | Page 26

W HITE C RANE A CUPUNCTURE C LINIC Acupuncture • Herbs • Bodywork Shanna Cowell, L.Ac. N EW L OCATION : 303 E. Sul Ross • Alpine 432.837.3225 Mon. - Fri. by appointment ride!”  No matter, there were friend- ships to be renewed and new friends to make in Marathon.  Many a time inspiration would come from food and being in the right place at the right time; the “Voodoo Tree” was a big, shady chin- aberry tree in our friends’ yard which was the right place after a tough bike ride or long drive.   We would be on “Marathon time” and pick up where we left off the year before with beer, wine, and yummy food.  My husband picked a flower from the horsemint plant and carried it throughout the ride to Marathon.  The plant is tall, the bloom purple like the mountains and more fragrant in the desert than the horsemint east of Austin.  Pressed with provolone between fingers, the smell, it wrapped us in a magical spell.  We chopped and cooked with our friend who tutored us in the art of roasted peppers cooked with fresh basil on homemade pizza dough; then we made music late into the night continued from page 4 under the “Voodoo Tree.”  We had supper that kings would envy. In 2007 the group grew as it has off and on throughout the years.  We had to caravan, pick- ing up those who would try their mettle on the mountains.   It seems once the Chihuahuan Desert gets under your skin, it sticks and won’t let go; like the agave needle used for so many things.     My husband and I bought a lot in Marathon about 10 years ago.  We are among those who were pierced by the rugged beauty and intend to spend our time in Marathon and the surrounding area.  There is so much to learn and I still haven’t experienced a full season!    The people are like the desert, learning to survive with limited resources and resilient no matter what is thrown at them.  Everything seems to have its cycle and you feel it especially in Marathon, where you rest and leave room for the next rider or writer. Alpine Community Credit Union The only local financial institution in Alpine If you live or work in Alpine, bank with us " &#(% See the difference at your local credit union ' % $ Now serving Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties 111 N 2ND STREET • ALPINE • 432.837.5156 AYN FOUNDATION (DAS MAXIMUM) ANDY WARHOL “The Last Supper” MARIA ZERRES “September Eleven” Brite Building 107-109 N Highland, Marfa Open weekends noon to 5 pm For hours, please call: 432.729.3315 or visit www.aynfoundation.com 26 Cenizo First Quarter 2014 D AVIS M OUNTAINS N UT C OMPANY Roasted and Dipped Pecans You can taste the difference care makes! Please stop in for FREE SAMPLES Hwy 17 in Fort Davis • Open: Mon. - Sat. 9 to 5 Great handmade gourmet gifts! Visit us on the web: www.allpecans.com 800-895-2101 • 432-426-2101 dmnc@allpecans.com ) " # % + ! % &' #!# * "' % " & " & #"& % ' #" ) & % " #%