Cenizo Journal Winter 2014 | Page 10

SNAKE NOTES by Craig Trumbower I f you grew up in Florida in the 1950s and 1960s, then you grew up at a time when your parents intro- duced you to the dangers of the state’s native animals with the frequent, uni- versally standard, lecture on child safe- ty. No one really knows where this lec- 10 Cenizo ture originated, but I have my suspi- cions that June Cleaver and Donna Reed had something to do with it. For those of you that did not grow up in those magical television days of “Leave It to Beaver” and “The Donna Reed Show,” June Cleaver and Donna Reed First Quarter 2014 represented the quintessential “mom” of the time. Middle-class American moms would tune in weekly to these family shows for an almost biblical direction on how to raise your kids and keep them safe. Mom’s lecture on safety usually included, “Watch out for (the dreaded three) alligators, “bugs” (mosquitoes) and “deadly snakes” (all snakes were deadly). By the way, nowhere in that lecture was a warning about “stranger danger.” In fact, as a child of the 1950s, you were taught to obey all adults!