Cenizo Journal Summer 2016 | Page 14

continued from page 13 people I just met in the morning and feeling like family by evening. Joe Chandler rolled up his sleeves and made some peach cobbler that would have Paula Deen asking for the recipe. I have never before met a CEO that got in the kitchen and served instead of being served. We all migrated outside, feeling as relaxed as vanilla ice cream melting on cobbler, and watched the sun go A magical oasis in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas Off the Pinto Canyon Rd near Ruidosa down. Then we sat under a spectacu- lar view of the starlit sky. Joe and Richard lit a fire and turned up the country tunes, and we stayed up talk- ing about everything from the history of the ranch to the drinks that we order from Starbucks. When my wife and I got back to the cabin, we were so relaxed we sank into the soft sheets. We couldn’t help but discuss the high- lights of our personal visit to Chandler Ranch. The crystal clear water, the warm sun, the wilderness were all great, but it was the amazing hospital- ity of the Chandlers and ranch staff that made the whole trip so rustic lodging camping reservations required 432.229.4165 remarkable. I woke up just before the sun rose and saw Joe and Richard up and at it. They were warming up by the fire. I scurried over there like a fox chasing a mouse. Joe pointed to Independence Creek, where dozens of deer could be seen standing in its flow. “I told you deer drink out of there.” Richard was brewing a pot of coffee at sunrise, as he usually does for guests who spend the night. Mornings on the ranch are fresh and peaceful. After breakfast, I had the great priv- ilege of meeting Joe and Anne’s sweet mother, Charlena Chandler, who gave me an autographed copy of her book On Independence Creek: The Story of a Texas Ranch. A stay at Chandler Ranch is an authentic Texan experience with plen- ty of room for adventure. It is without question the hidden treasure of all West Texas destinations. The ranch is hard to capture on camera. It is simply something that you must experience hands-on. We said our goodbyes and Anne sent us off with a jug to fill with spring water. It was sad to pack up all my legal pads and coonskin hat and head for home. Whoops, I left behind my binoculars. I guess we have to go back and pick them up. Chandler Ranch cabins and info at chandlerranch.com. Updates and pic- tures of its construction can be seen at facebook.com/ChandlerRanchFans. Their contact email is info@chandler- ranch.com. on-line at: cenizojournal.com chinatihotsprings.net Dan and Dianna Burbach, Managers H AMMERFEST F ORGE M ETALWORK S TUDIO Hammerfest Forge is a source for finely crafted ironwork Fireplace equipment • Gates • Railings Door and cabinet hardware • Signage Furniture • Lighting (electric & candle) And much more Larry Crawford, Metalsmith 830.613.7404 2400 FM 1703 Alpine,Texas hammerfest@ymail.com hammerfestforge.com D AVIS M OUNTAINS N UT C OMPANY Roasted and Dipped Pecans You can taste the difference care makes! Please stop in for FREE SAMPLES Hwy 17 in Fort Davis • Open: Mon. - Sat. 9 to 5 Great handmade gourmet gifts! We ship anywhere year-round Visit us on the web: www.allpecans.com 800-895-2101 • 432-426-2101 dmnc@allpecans.com 14 Cenizo Third Quarter 2016