from all over to celebrate. Almost everyone I
wanted to record music on both sides of the
met at the gathering came to offer their services:
river. He didn’t have a clue where this would
“Can I help your co-op get non-taxable status?”
lead. He started driving to San Carlos, Mexico,
“Can I help you start micro-loaning?” “Can I
and recording bands, meeting people, getting
help you put in a solar system?” People came
excited. One thing led to another and he began
wanting to make their circle larger; not just
organizing Voices from Both Sides, which soon
locals and tourists but federal agents, not just
turned into a Lajitas/Paso Lajitas Community
folks from here but people from as far away as
Reunion. Families started trickling in from Fort
Stockton and Odessa to the shindig grounds at
So, then, what is this whole border thing
the Lajitas Resort Saturday morning, May 10th,
about for me? It’s about our side winning for
with picnic baskets and lawn chairs. It was the
once. All of us who resent the fear of difference,
11th anniversary of the day our border was
who believe that community is powerful, and
closed. The hugging, laughing and crying start-
who think that Pollyanna should be revived as a
ed early. It was a time we never could have
mentor, even a meme…hooray for all of us!
imagined 11 years ago.
These little gems of events have given many the
In Paso Lajitas, when the border closed, the
opportunity to experience life in a different way:
community of 90 became a community of two,
family members, friends, neighbors, uniformed
the village of Santa Elena completely emptied
federal officers, musicians, park rangers, busi-
except for occasional visitors on weekends and
nesspeople and even a few enlightened politi-
holidays, and Boquillas del Carmen went from
cians have dropped their swords, risen to the
250 souls to 90 almost overnight. But Mr.
occasion and shared quality time with complete
Haislip, 11 years later, with no knowledge of the
area and no
have a different
language and cul-
heard the call and
ture, and found
started this partic-
that they enjoyed
ular emotional
stampede through
We are not the
clothes on our
album is due out
backs or our bank
in October, but
accounts. We are
the reunion will be
just people. Lajitas
annual. The event
showed us that we
was magical; the
can all get along
people on the
beautifully without
were astounded
Photo by: Trevor Hickle even
by the outpouring
The Rio Grande is easily bridged by friends at the
of goodwill and
Voices from Both Sides celebration at Lajitas. differences, and
Boquillas illumi-
appreciation, and
nates how people can support complete
the people on the Texas side were impressed by
strangers in lots of ways. Perhaps it’s because
their fantastic music, amazed by their sheer
our towns and villages are so far from major
numbers and attuned to their need to be
economic centers on our respective sides of the
acknowledged. Everyone felt healed. We may
border, and because we live in an environmen-
not all speak the same language, but the under-
tally challenging place, that we realize we need
standing was clear: this was a time for families
to take care of one another. This is the stuff that
and community.
makes us human, this quality sharing, because
So, back to Boquillas. The “man behind the
you take care of what you love, and all this care
curtain” who made this border opening happen
makes us greater than the sum of our parts.
at last is unknown, but it was done and it is
When we share culture and music and food and
good. Ernesto Hernandez, a local river guide,
space, the glue that binds our community inten-
came back from Vera Cruz, Mexico to help run
sifies. We know about community here on the
the project and the townspeople came together
Rio Grande.
to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
The invisible wall that divides our lovely little
And rather than compete with each other, the
desert river still stands. But at long last, doors
people of the town of Boquillas decided to form
are opening one by one, and light is pouring
a co-op to support their businesses and help
through. Hallelujah!
each other rebuild.
The crossing will be open Wednesday through Sunday
Several weeks after the Lajitas reunion there
was a gathering in Boquillas to celebrate the
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Those using the crossing must have a
border opening with music, real Mexican food,
valid passport or passport card. For a little adventure, ride
new hotel rooms and even a horse race. People
a burro, have lunch and a cold beer on the patio, visit with
from the U.S. side, passports in hand, came
local folks and take a boat ride back to the park.
A magical
oasis in the
of Texas
rustic lodging
Off the
Pinto Canyon Rd
near Ruidosa
Dan and Dianna Burbach,
Noon Buffet Wednesday and Friday
Famous Beef & Chicken Fajitas • Ice Cream • Clean, Fast Service
Rene & Maria Franco, Owners
513 O’Reilly Street • Downtown Presidio
Third Quarter 2013