Cenizo Journal Summer 2012 | Page 31

H AMPTON I NN OF A LPINE 2607 Hwy. 90 West • Alpine 432.837.7344 S A V E T H E D A T E The Gage Hotel and Gardens presents Birds & Butterflies !""#$%#&'(()*+#,$.*#.0#,(12*. !"#$%"&$'&&()) of the Big Bend 3'*+)%#"6 '#86#96# !+)% ;#1%<%#"'#32+*286" = 2+)%!#>#?)"# +)%!#"#1%<%#"'#32+*286" Stay at the historic Gage Hotel . RESERVE TODAY. SPACE IS LIMITED. CALL 432-386-4205. 4205. 1 0 1 Hi 101 Highway ghw a y 90 w es est t Mar athon, at hon, TX 79842 798 42 voice v oice 432.386.4205 fax fa x 432.386.45 432.386.4510 1 0 reservations 1 .800.88 4.G A GE r eser v ations 1.800.884.GAGE WEL C OME@G A GEHO TEL.C OM email WELCOME@GAGEHOTEL.COM @'2*#A# #BCD#E2!"F# *++,)-.)-!!)$ )#3-.)$4+)$-56)7-#(9): '.< -,))>?3" # A$)B-5*)A" D)( %")-!!)#$ "+9) F$+#)HI779)): .+$)4-&+)-)#D-"$!4 .+6)K )$ )#-,,<+3<%L-