Cenizo Journal Summer 2011 | Page 25

Hummingbird Display Flights by Bill Lindemann I t is that time of the Carolyn was of the year when love is in opinion that while he the air, and all birds was away he was are preparing for the courting another breeding season. The female on the other survival of each species side of her oasis. He depends on the success made three dives, and of males and females the show was over in pairing off and rais- that night. Why the ing one or more fami- courtship occurred lies. And when it late in the evening comes to humming- before sunset is not birds, “love is in the known, but it started air” takes on a special happening several meaning. The days before I arrived, courtship ritual of the so it is not a onetime male hummingbird event. As the male creates an extraordi- was zigging and zag- nary display of aero- ging in front of the nautical skills, as he female he was flashing his beautiful gorget to tries to convince the increase her attention. female that he is the best suited to be the Photo by Carolyn Ohl The birds fly so fast that it is hard to keep father of her young. I was out in the Big A pair of Lucifer hummingbirds courting in the yucca. track of them to be sure whether one or Bend area over the more individuals are involved in this courtship. weekend visiting one of my favorite oases in the I have witnessed several other hummingbird Chihuahuan Desert. My friend, Carolyn Ohl, aerial displays before, and each male has his pre- started 15 years ago with a dream to transform a ferred flight pattern. Our black-chinned hum- little piece of thorn scrub into a lush oasis for mingbird makes a “U” flight above his intended wildlife, particularly birds. After much blood, sweat and tears, her oasis is functioning well, and partner. The ruby-throated hummingbird males make shallow dives back and forth in front of the Lucifer hummingbirds have moved in to nest in female. Several males, including the western the area around the oasis. Lucifer hummingbirds Anna’s hummingbird, make flight patterns in the are the only species with a de-curved bill and a form of a “J.” I have not seen but read that Rufus spectacular lavender-purple gorget. hummingbird males fly in vertical circle patterns Carolyn was excited that the male Lucifers in front of the females. All open their gorgets to were courting the females around her oasis. She flash their family color as they pass near a female. noted that about 7:30 p.m. the female would take up station in a yucca plant adjacent to her hum- Regardless of the pattern they choose to fly to mingbird feeders. The male would make a grand impress the female, the message is the same: “Hey, hey, look at me and what I can do.” In the bird appearance out of nowhere with wings creating a world there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of buzzing sound as he zigzagged his way towards courting rituals performed every breeding season her position on a yucca leaf. When he got within to pair up the mates. Some males use songs, oth- a foot of her and his zigzags had narrowed to only ers do dances, while still others use an extraordi- a few inches in breadth, he suddenly turned on his nary array of colors in their plumage to convince afterburners and shot straight up to a height of their mates that they are the best suitors. In rare 100 feet. At this height, he turned into a dive straight at occasions, among some species like the Wilson’s phalarope, the female has the colors and does the her. His dive speed was incredible. He became a rituals to attract the male. blur and very hard to follow as he transformed It is the time of the year to be aware of the into a bullet. Once he passed her position, he dis- sideshows that may be taking place in your back- appeared, presumably flying low in the brush yard. Be aware that interesting events may be hap- away from her. Five to 10 minutes passed – and no pening all around you when love is in the air. sight of the male. The female appeared to become very impatient when he did not return. Every two to three minutes she would fly out from the yucca a few feet and return to her perch. About 10 minutes later, Mr. Lucifer would make another grand appearance and repeat the ritual. The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Scripture • Tradition • Reason Sunday 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sunday School ages 4-12 Wednesday 6 p.m. Contemplative Prayer Friday 5:30 p.m. Prayers for Evening and the Healing of the World St. James Episcopal Church • Ave. A and N. 6th St., Alpine 432.386.5307 HARPER ’ S Hardware tools • plumbing supplies • home & garden Monday - Saturday 7:30 am to 6 pm 701 O’Reilly Street • Presidio • 432-229-3256 Skinner & Lara, P.C. Certified Public Accountants 610 E Holland Avenue Alpine, TX 79830 Phone (432) 837-5861 Fax (432) 837-5516 Cenizo Third Quarter 2011 25