Cenizo Journal Spring 2019 | Page 4

Left: The Lighthouse. A bove: A view across Timber C reek C anyon from the Interpretive C enter in the State Park. Below: Trujillo sandstones are visible from the turn to the left on the road down into the canyon. From Palo Duro Vistas: A JOURNEY THROUGH PALO DURO CANYON by William MacLeod P alo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Texas is one of the most photogen- ic places in Texas. The wonderful array of subtle hues from the rock layers contrasted against the lush vegetation 4 and bright red shale along the canyon floor creates a setting that is unmatched in the southwest. The narrow gorge, protected from the prevailing west winds and the bitter Cenizo Second Quarter 2019 winter northers, has been a place of shel- ter for humans from their first arrival in the Panhandle, 12,000 years ago. Water and grass supported abundant wildlife for the hunter-gatherers who continued to use the canyon until the Federal gov- ernment drove them into reservations in continued on page 26