Cenizo Journal Spring 2018 | Page 13

gia, it is visually inspiring. I’m learning to do stairs and the St. Francis Hotel upstairs. research.” In those days they would push the seats back He said the timing is right. The building was in the theatre and have public dances in that completed in 1917 and opened in 1918. It still is space, so the building was a popular gathering a very visible landmark at the southeast corner of place for the community. Oak (Highway 90) and Persimmon. That space also became the Vaudeville theater. “I hope to restore it to the original form, with The Bohlmans and baby Mary Ellen Bohlman retail downstairs and a hotel upstairs,” he said. moved to Sanderson in 1909, where he took a “The old soda fountain could be a coffee shop position as an engineer on the Southern Pacific with coffee in the mornings and drinks in the Lines. His run was from Sanderson to Valentine evenings. And we could have a beer garden out- piloting a 2-8-2 “Mikado” steam engine. side. Just three years after opening their new build- “We will pay homage to the Vaudeville theater ing, William Bohlman was killed when the boil- er on his engine exploded near Paisano Pass. Fireman Charles F. Robinson was later located dazed and injured some distance away. Later, it appeared Bohlman may have been shot and Robinson hit over the head. Head brakeman Earl Stirman was tried for the alleged crime but it ended in a hung jury. Mary Bohlman, after losing her husband and two children, remained in Sanderson until 1941, when she moved to be closer to a surviving Mary Burns Bohlman stood at the soda fountain in the then-new St. Francis child. Hotel in Sanderson early in the 20th C entury. She and her husband W illiam She died of injures from an auto Francis Bohlman built the two-story brick building after their confectionary nearby burned down. Photo courtesy of Terrell C ounty Museum accident in 1958. County Judge Santiago Flores said on the first floor,” he said. “I visualize something values in the county are “going in a southern like a jazz bar.” He pictures a round bar with the direction” and any development could be helpful stage behind. A large ballroom was used for a to the community. He said he was “thankful that variety of affairs including vaudeville, dances and he made that investment.” parties. Flores said there are some other hopeful signs The hotel will be moderately priced to make it on the horizon for Sanderson, a town that has attractive to tourists passing through. Inside, the seen dwindling resources over the last 20 years, rooms will maintain the brick appearance of the since the Union Pacific Railroad moved its crew- building’s façade. change station to Alpine. “The next step is to get a vision team to make He said Coe Pratt has bought the Princess it happen,” he said. “I’m working on my MBA Theater, two blocks east of the St. Francis. Signs now so this is a big project going back to the in front of the long-vacant building indicated roots.” restoration was in progress. He created the Blacksmith Investment Group And Robert Gregory bought the Sanderson to seek funding for the project. The original Motel nearby. Flores said both buyers also bought Spanish name Herrera meant blacksmith. “a few” homes in town. “Hopefully, we can get a team together and “There’s hopefully some people coming in and find $500 [thousand] to a million,” he said. wanting to do good things for the community,” The plan is to bring down the interior struc- he said. ture and replace it with a steel framework, he Dale Carruthers, manager of the Sanderson said. “In the hospitality industry, there is always Bank and a county commissioner, said she was risk but we want to keep risk to a minimum. “very supportive” of Herrera’s plans. “I’ll be very Right now, the floor upstairs buckles up in the interested in seeing what he can come up with.” middle, indicating possibly serious structural Herrera had been in Australia studying sleep problems. disorders, then moved to Qatar but said that did- The theme for the hotel project is based on a n’t work out. A native of Nicaragua, he has visit- statement in the media of the day when the St. ed 46 countries. Francis was first built in 1917. That statement He moved to Alpine to found the Trans Pecos said “the key to Sanderson’s future is through its Ultra Run, a seven-day, 163-mile run at Big Bend past.” Ranch State Park every October. It said the “amusements” with the theater and “It’s more than a race,” he said. “They learn to sleep in the field and deal with the wilderness.” confectionary were “essential for civilized life.” Herrera said the St. Francis project is “nostal- W HITE C RANE A CUPUNCTURE C LINIC ST. JONAH ORTHODOX CHURCH Come, See & Hear the Services of Early Christianity Acupuncture • Herbs • Bodywork Shanna Cowell, L.Ac. N EW L OCATION : ◊ 1310 E. Ave. H • Alpine Services: Sunday 10 am 405 E. 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