Cenizo Journal Spring 2017 | Page 28

B ALMORHEA R OCK S HOP BIGGEST SELECTION West of the Pecos 102 S Main • Balmorhea 432-375-0214 Open 10am to 9pm Mon - Sat Jim and Sue Franklin, Owners Shop with us on-line 605 E Holland Ave • Alpine !"#$% &'()% !"*+*# 432.837.7476 facebook.com/ balmorhearocks www.twinpeaksliquors.com by Carolyn Brown Zniewski WILDFLOWER TRIVIA In the 1960s Lady Bird Johnson called on folks to view the plants by the side of the road not as weeds, to be eliminated, but wildflowers to be loved and enjoyed. She loved West Texas and Big Bend and visited here often. One of her dearest, life long friends rests in the Marathon Cemetery, where Lady Bird planted Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium) near the headstone, because her friend had blue eyes. Many wildflowers are named after familiar things. See if you can guess the common name of the following Big Bend wildflowers. 1) Melampodium leucathum. A small, white daisy with a yellow center. It blooms in small bouquets along the side of the road. a) Sweet Sue c) Blackfoot Daisy b) Dolly’s Daisy d) Angel Face t he C enizO J Ournal is F Or s ale Publisher, Carolyn Brown Zniewski, is retiring after five years. this could be your opportunity to spearhead an established literary journal in the Big Bend Interested parties should contact: publisher@cenizojournal.com 2) Corydalis. An upright many-petaled yellow flower that grows in sandy soil in both sun and shade a) Baby Chickie c) Sunny Day b) Scrambled Eggs d) Lemon Drops 3) Thelesperma filifolium. A small, bright yellow sunflower that grows in dry soil in pastures and prairies. a) Greenthread c) Gold Button b) Navajo Tea d) Little Sun 4) Amphiachyris dracunculoides. This grows about 3-4 feet tall and blooms profusely with tiny yellow-gold flowers. a) Bee’s Bush c) Sunday’s Best b) Summer Bouquet d) Broomweed 5) Ratibida columnifera. Mixed bunches of yellow, orange or red flowers sit atop a tall, slender stem. The center of the flower extends 1 – 2 inches above the petals. a) Long Tall Sally c) Sombrero b) Mexican Hat d) Lipstick 5) Gaillardia pulchella. This is a bushy flower growing along road sides and in fields. The petals of the two inch blooms are red tipped with yellow, darkening with age. a) Cherry Patch c) Indian Blanket b) Red Bird d) Pinwheel Answers: 1-c 2-b 3-a and b 4-d 5-b 6-c 28 Cenizo Second Quarter 2017