Cenizo Journal Spring 2017 | Page 17

poetry K.B. Whitley and Jim Wilson 1 We been together So long I feel like We are 1 But when 1 of us is gone there is no us And if You are Gone There is No 1. by K.B. Whitley Survival of the Flittest Drawn to the aroma of sweet nectar Beckoning from the bell Of a blood red, trumpet vine blossom, Two ruby throated, emerald green, Apache helicopters, Planning inevitable preculinary combat— Hover warily at their predestined petal portal. Dozens of wall flower, Virgin, bell blossoms Wink coyly nearby. Alternative Perspective Desire—anger—aggression— Violence—fear—retreat—then— Might makes right. With all challengers subdued or bluffed The victor’s lust for self-indulgence Is smugly satisfied. Ask Geronimo Cochise Manges Colorado Seattle Tecumseh and Sitting Bull— Natural traits of the animal kingdom. Don’t deny them. Don’t apply them. With a whir and a flit and a love you, Rise above them. Admire the grace Of the single hummingbird spectacle. Fighting border terrorism Unsuccessfully Since 1492. Find another of God’s creatures To exemplify proper social interaction. by Jim Wilson by Jim Wilson Cenizo Second Quarter 2017 17