Cenizo Journal Spring 2017 | Page 14

Photo Essay by Sam Esparza W ith a keen eye for detail, a sure knowledge of his subjects, a deft technique and an instinct for highlighting the familiar in landscape, Sam Esparza captures the essence of West Texas in his pencil sketches. The ruins of an old soldier's quarters beg for exploration, the old tin roof buckled and twisted. The perfect textures of palm hats against a board wall make a still life that is at once quiet and simple, yet also complex and dynamic. A cowboy bulldogs a calf, an ancient tree weathers its storms, and a paisano surveys his domain. In Esparza's work, the West Texas desert comes to life with as much loving detail as nature herself can muster. Esparza's work can be viewed and purchased from his website, www.samesparza.com. 14 Cenizo Second Quarter 2017