Cenizo Journal Spring 2016 | Page 7

C enizo Not es Mexican and American Food by Carolyn Brown Zniewski, publisher and Danielle Gallo, editor I am watching my dog Lulu on her morning adventure while sitting on my front porch as the morning light changes over the mountains to the north. The birds are dive-bombing like crazy cartoon air- planes and the wild- flowers are canvasing the desert. This is the reward for the snowstorms of last fall, now an almost forgotten memory. There is something about living in Big Bend that demands you live in the moment. If it’s a beautiful contemplative day, take that trip to the park and stop in Presidio for a meal or enjoy an afternoon beer on the porch at the Starlight Theater. On the other hand, it may be the perfect chance to catch up on the laundry that has been piling up near the washing machine. Hanging it to dry in the sweet-smelling air might be a truly enjoyable and meditative task. In the spring, it is hard to believe this is a desert. Trees are bursting with fresh green leaves and every trip to town is a nature show. At night the javelina muscle their way through the yard and the raccoons are sure to come hunting for a stray chicken or some- thing interesting in the garbage can. Big Bend is the home of lifelong DIYers who started doing it themselves years ago. The creative energy here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. This month we’ve got a little music, a little art, a little history, some stories and some DIY; pretty much like Big Bend itself. Please sit back on your porch and enjoy a very good read. Then let us know what you liked! We are always glad to get feedback from our readers. Publisher@ cenizojournal.com. I n an election year, it’s always nice to bring our focus a lit- tle closer to home, to appreciate the richness of our communities and the diversity of ideas and strengths that make our region the place we want to call home. For a moment, at least, it’s a pleasure to look up the street and recognize the good in our neighbors and the hard work of our friends, regardless of whom they sup- port or how they vote. It’s a relief to turn off the shrieking media at the end of the day, when I’m weary of hearing bitter stories of division and rancor and ugli- ness, and look over toward my neighbors, whom I love. There is peace in knowing that, though we certainly don’t vote the same tick- et, we can always count on each other to be there. This issue of Cenizo takes a look at some of the important work that Marfa contributes to the art world, the passing of a musical legend, an evening spent drinking with Mother Nature, and the tragedy of border relations gone bad. Enjoy an interlude with the past and present of the world’s best place to live, before returning to the noise and nonsense of the political arena. On another note, I’m very pleased to mention that our talented graphics designer, Wendy Lynn Wright, has a show, Chinati Mountains, opening April 8. It takes place at the Greasewood Gallery at the Hotel Paisano in Marfa, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and will showcase Wendy’s watercolor paintings of the mountain range she has been circumnavi- gating for 17 years. The Cenizo is proud to have Wendy in charge of our design, and I’m looking forward to enjoying an evening of her art and company. Hope to see you there! Open 6 am to 9 pm Everyday Famous Beef & Chicken Fajitas • Ice Cream Free Wi Fi • Clean, Fast Service Rene & Maria Franco, Owners 513 O’Reilly Street • Downtown Presidio 432.229.4409 Christina’s World Folk Art • Jewelry from Around the World Local Artisans • Fossils Large Day of the Dead Collection “Beauty is Critical” The Boardwalk, Lajitas Open daily 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Published by Cenizo Journal LLC P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com C ENIZO JO URN AL S TA F F PUBLISHER Carolyn Brown Zniewski EDITOR Danielle Gallo publisher@cenizojournal.com editor@cenizojournal.com business@cenizojournal.com mayamadeapothecary @gmail.com BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls WEB MANAGER Maya Brown Zniewski ADVERTISING Rani Birchfield advertising@cenizojournal.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION Wendy Lynn Wright graphics@cenizojournal.com Cenizo Second Quarter 2016 7