curbed by
of 11 monumental catchment dams
erected by the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers across the creeks and draws
that had fed the maw of destruction.
Some folks moved, but most stayed to
rebuild their lives in the only home they
had ever known. Citizens helped citi-
zens and learned they had a great
capacity for compassion and empathy.
Families learned to deal with the loss of
their loved ones and eventually moved
on with their lives.
continued from page 13
2015 marks the 50th
anniversary of the 1965
Flood. A new memorial
has been erected to com-
memorate the tragedy and
solemn ceremonies will be
held to remember the dead
and dedicate that memori-
al on the weekend of July
4th, 2015.
Second Quarter 2015
Above: Railyard decimated. Below: Twisted railroad tracks.