Cenizo Journal Spring 2013 | Page 7

C enizo Jo urna l marfa table Volume 5 Number 2 seasonal • local • fresh C ONTRI B UTORS Charles Angell lives near Ruidosa. Exploring the Big Bend area is both his hobby and his occu- pation. e-mail:charles@angellexpeditions.com. Denise Chávez has roots in Las Cruces, N.M. with her father’s family and in Far West Texas with her mother’s family and learned to love art, literature and tacos in both places. She is the author of A Taco Testimony: Meditations on Family, Food and Culture (Rio Nuevo Press). David Crum has worked in land and minerals management, mostly in West Texas and is the executive director of Trans Pecos Water Trust, a non-profit organization helping to keep the Rio Grande flowing. David grew up in Jack County, Texas and is a graduate of Sul Ross State University. e-mail: davidcrum@gmail.com. William H. Darby III doesn’t like to carry a cam- era when he hikes but always has a pen and paper in his backpack. Journaling helps him to slow down and absorb more than trail miles. e-mail: wdar650@sulross.edu Cindy McIntyre, a professional photographer turned National Park Service seasonal park ranger, has spent two winters at Big Bend National Park and now works for the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. e-mail: cindy@cindymcintyre.com !"#$%$!%"' )'&'$ '"#$-.#!#1*$ 3"&#(%."$5""'"% Bob Miles is a third generation native of the Davis Mountains area and a retired Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Park superintendent. e-mail: rmilessr@yahoo.com. !"#$%&'( )*(+,-% 6"##7"1&$'"# 8'9"%$:$".7'!$8..'&7#"& Nora Seymour of Alpine was a classical music program host for Marfa Public Radio in addition to her talent as a writer. She passed away in 2011. D)"$5$%$F$=%#$+$H'%''9#"I$JK <=>?=@A?