Cenizo Journal Spring 2009 | Page 32

Your Real Estate Specialists in the Big Bend Region WEST TEXAS REALTY From Langtry to Sanderson to Valentine, Fort Davis to Marfa, Alpine to Terlingua, Presidio along the Rio Grande — Serving the entire Davis Mountain & Big Bend Area We feature a wide range of properties, including homes, recreational, ranches, commercial, and even Rio Grande River frontage! West Texas Realty is a family owned and operated agency. We understand the importance of land and home UHDO HVWDWH VDOHV DQG LQYHVWLQJ  IRU \RXU ¿QDQFLDO VHFXULW\ IRU WKH IXO¿OOPHQW RI \RXU GUHDPV DQG IRU \RXU family’s heritage. :KHQ ZH KHOS \RX VHOO RU EX\ SURSHUW\ RXU FRPPLWPHQW LV WR SURYLGH \RX ZLWK WKH EHVW H[SHULHQFH SRVVLEOH :KHWKHU LW LV D FRWWDJH LQ WRZQ D KLVWRULF DGREH D UDQFKHWWH ZLWK D YLHZ RU XQGHYHORSHG DFUHDJH UHDG\ IRU \RXU GUHDP KRPH ZH advertise both nationwide and internationally. Our team at West Texas Realty can help you invest in your personal paradise. Contact us today! 600 W Avenue E, Alpine, T X 79830 | 4 3 2 - 8 3 7 -7 4 8 6 | Pam Clouse, Broker | w w w. w e s tt x r e al t y. c o m Call us for our extensive list of proper ties!