Marfa Garden:
The Wonders of Dry Desert Plants
by Trinity Press
arfa Garden is a full-color
celebration of more than
sixty flowering plants of
the Chihuahuan Desert and neigh-
boring regions. The desert, North
America’s second largest at 140,000
square miles, spans West Texas,
parts of New Mexico and Arizona,
and northern Mexico. It is a sur-
prising showcase for colorful plant
diversity. Presented in a style remi-
niscent of naturalist Karl
Blossfeldt’s Art Forms in Nature, the
book includes an array of vines,
grasses, trees, herbs, shrubs, cacti,
and succulents ranging from the lit-
tle known to the popular and icon-
ic. Photographs show plants in
year-round cycles, with buds, com-
plex foliage, unfolding blooms,
seed pods, and winter texture and
Fourth Quarter 2019
Beginning with a foreword from
Dallas Baxter, co-creator of Cenizo
Journal and the president of the Big
Bend Chapter of the Native Plant
Society of Texas, this guide illus-
trates the authors’ “wish to share
[their] passion for the beauty of
desert plants to provide inspiration
continued on page 27