Cenizo Journal Fall 2016 | Page 24

Folkways by Maya Brown Zniewski. Illustration by Avram Dumitrescu. FIRE EATER FALL TONIC T he renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar created Fire Cider in the early 1980s in the kitchen of her California School of Herbal Studies. The name Fire Cider is now under ownership by a company of lawyers, or some such thing, not herbalists. I call my version of this tradi- tional tonic Fire Eater. The drink goes fantas- tically well with wild game and barbecue and as a marinade for both. Use homegrown or organic ingredients to make this hot and wonderful pick-me- up. In a quart-sized mason jar place two chopped heads of gar- lic, peel and all; one jalapeno, chopped; an onion, skin and all, chopped; a little bit of fresh horseradish (jarred is fine if you can’t get fresh); a whole lemon, chopped, peel and all; and a knuckle of gin- ger, chopped. All these amounts are based on taste, so you can vary this accord- ing to your likes and dislikes. If you love ginger, add more. You can also add a sprig of rosemary or a chunk of turmeric, or other herbs or spices of your choice. Some people love the heat and flavor of cayenne in Fire Eater, so they add a little cayenne. Next, fill the jar within an inch of the top with apple cider vinegar. Cover the top of the jar with wax paper or plastic wrap and use a can- ning jar lid to seal it. The wax paper 24 or plastic wrap over the top is to keep the vinegar from reacting with the metal lid. Let the Fire Eater sit for two to six weeks. The longer it steeps, the stronger it gets. Strain the liquid into a clean jar. Feel free to dip some out after one Fire Eater and one to two ounces vodka. To make a Fire Eater bever- age, hot or cold, use one ounce of Fire Eater, one ounce honey and eight ounces water, either hot or cold. You can add an ounce of Fire Eater to tea, lemonade or cactus day if you wish to try it. It gets better and better the longer the mixture sits, but it is already flavored after one day. I suggest you add honey (use local!) to sweeten it up. You can drink a shot of Fire Eater straight, like a shot of whiskey, or add it to a mixed whiskey drink. To make a Bloody Fire add it to a Bloody Mary either with or with out alcohol, no need for Tabasco sauce! Use six ounces of tomato juice, one ounce juice. Sweeten with additional honey. For a spicy salad dressing: Mix three parts olive oil to one part Fire Eater, salt and pepper to taste. You can use Fire Eater, with or without honey, as a marinade for any num- ber of tasty meals. Try it on chicken, pork chops, pot roast or tofu. I love the way it makes firm tofu taste so yummy! For tofu marinade, rinse a block Cenizo Fourth Quarter 2016 of firm tofu (a box is about 14 ounces) with warm water. Soft tofu will work if you can’t get firm. Cube into pieces about one inch square. Don’t get out a ruler, an approxima- tion is fine. Put the tofu in a non- reactive bowl. Pour about a quarter cup of Fire Eater over the tofu and refrigerate for an hour or so. Meanwhile, chop up what veggies you have. I particularly like cauli- flower and sliced car- rots, but pick the veggies you like best. Add the veggies, tofu and mari- nade to a hot cast iron pan with a little oil in it. You want the tofu to get crunchy and brown on the outside. Cook, stir- ring as needed to pre- vent burning, until the veggies are done but not soft. Serve over rice. I also do the same recipe with mock duck (seitan), using broccoli instead of cauliflower. The Fire Eater veg- gies that are left after straining out of the vine- gar make an ideal chunky condiment. Try chopping up the Fire Eater vegetables and add some of them to the top of your hamburger. I love this topped with jalapeño cheese. They will add a little zing to hot dogs and brats, too. Best of all, a shot of Fire Eater makes you feel ready for the wind and cold and snow of the coming season.