Cenizo Journal Fall 2015 | Page 6

C enizo Journal Volume 7 Number 4 C ONTRI B UTORS Leah Billingsley calls Austin, Texas home but her heart belongs to far West Texas and the Big Bend. Leah is a writer, baker, piano player, poet. Her poetry has been included in the Texas Poetry Calendar and Illya’s Honey. e-mail: lbillingsley@gmail.com Rani Birchfield is a writer and creative entrepreneur with an affinity for road trips, South American wine and pop culture. She currently lives in Alpine, TX. e-mail: rbirchfield44@hotmail.com Mark Muller is a research engineer at the University of Texas. For years he has pursued his hobby of photography through distant lands and backyard landscapes. e-mail: markmuller@gmail.com Danielle Gallo is a writer who is proud to be the editor of the Cenizo Journal. She came to the area in 2002 and currently lives in Marathon with her family. e-mail: editor@cenizojournal.com Carolyn Brown Zniewski has been a food writer and recipe columnist for ten years. She currently lives in Marathon. e-mail: publisher@cenizojournal.com Bob Miles is a third generation native of the Davis Mountains area and a retired Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Park superin- tendent. e-mail: rmilessr@yahoo.com. Cover: "Rocky and Daisy" photograph, Rachael Waller, e-mail: wallerrachael@yahoo.com Jim Glendinning, an Oxford-educated Scot, lives in Alpine. The story of his travels, Footloose Scot, has just been published, as has Legendary Locals of the Big Bend & Davis Mountains for Arcadia Press. e-mail: jimglen2@sbcglobal.net Chris Ruggia is an Alpine-based cartoonist (jackcomics.com) and graphic designer Folk Art • Jewelry from Around the World Local Artisans • Fossils Large Day of the Dead Collection “Beauty is Critical” 6 The Boardwalk, Lajitas Open daily 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Cenizo Fourth Quarter 2015 C.M. Mayo is the host of the “Marfa Mondays” Podcasting Project, a series of 24 podcasts apropos of her book-in-progress on Far West Texas. Her latest book is Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution: Francisco I. Madero and His Secret Book, Spiritist Manual. e-mail: cmmayo@cmmayo.com Perry Cozzen is a native of La Mesa, Texas and an Air Force veteran. He retired to Fort Davis in 2012, where he writes and takes photographs. e-mail: perrycozzen@yahoo.com Leigh Eaton is a renaissance woman and an iconic member of the Big Bend community. She lives in Marathon, where she inspires the locals with amazing stories about her life. e-mail: doodsie21@yahoo.com Christina’s World (vastgraphics.com). He and his wife Ellen own Vast Graphics in Alpine. e-mail: chris@ vastgraphics.com Bridget Weiss lives in Marfa. She chefs for work and cooks for friends; runs along the railroad tracks; forages local flora; and is writing a collec- tion of fictionalized stories based in South County. e-mail: bridget@marfatable.com Maya Brown Zniewski is an herbalist and soapmaker who enjoys frequent visits to the Big Bend area. Her handmade salves, soaps and tinctures are available at her website, mayamade.net. e-mail: mayamadeapothecary @gmail.com Copy editor: Carolyn Brown Zniewski, Rani Birchfield Published by Cenizo Journal LLC P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com C E NI ZO JOUR N AL ST AFF PUBLISHER Carolyn Brown Zniewski EDITOR Danielle Gallo publisher@cenizojournal.com editor@cenizojournal.com business@cenizojournal.com mayamadeapothecary @gmail.com BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls WEB MANAGER Maya Brown Zniewski ADVERTISING Rani Birchfield advertising@cenizojournal.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION Wendy Lynn Wright graphics@cenizojournal.com