Cenizo Journal Fall 2014 | Page 6

C enizo Journal Volume 6 Number 4 C ONTRI B UTORS Charles Angell lives near Ruidosa. Exploring the Big Bend area is both his hobby and his occupation. e-mail:charles@angellexpedi- tions.com. Carol Archer lives in Houston with three cats, Ike, Fiona and Lucinda, a nephew, Rodger. She trains people from around the world in cross-cultural communication and returns to West Texas as often as possible. e-mail:carcher@uh.edu Ryan Bayless teaches English and Fine Arts at Texas A&M University-Central Texas in Killeen. He splits his time between his 1966 Airstream trailer in the Davis Mountains Resort and his home in Austin. e-mail: ryanbayless@tamuct.edu Danielle Gallo is a writer who is proud to be the editor of the Cenizo Journal. She came to the area in 2002 and currently lives in Marathon with her family. e-mail: editor@cenizojournal.com Jim Glendinning, an Oxford-educated Scot, lives in Alpine. The story of his travels, Footloose Scot, has just been published, as has Legendary Locals of the Big Bend & Davis Mountains for Arcadia Press. e-mail: jimglen2@sbcglobal.net Sandra Harper, founder of Farm Stand Marfa, is a writer and market gardener living in NYC and Marfa. e-mail: harpernytx@gmail.com E Dan Klepper created Birds and their Earthbound Companions, a photographic portfolio featuring live wildlife, captured and released during biological surveys in Texas and pho- tographed on site against textile backdrops e- mail: edanklepper@hotmail.com L. G. Lindsay, a retired college administra- tor, winters in the Big Bend. e-mail: lglindsay@juno.com Alouy Martinez is a freelance writer from Presidio, Texas who is majoring in Creative Writing at Sul Ross State University. He previ- ously published a shorty story titled “Red Lights” in The Sage magazine. e-mail: alouymartinez@gmail.com Bob Miles is a third generation native of the Davis Mountains area and a retired Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Park superin- tendent. e-mail: rmilessr@yahoo.com. Barbara Novovitch worked as an editor and reporter for Reuters international news in Washington, New York, Hong Kong and Paris. She covered West Texas for the New York Times and lives in Alpine. e-mail: bbnovo@gmail.com. Shirley Obeso is a student at Sul Ross University and enjoys living in Alpine, Texas. She is mother to a beautiful six-year-old named Ana. e-mail: sobe6166@sulross.edu Beatriz Terrazas is a writer, photographer, and believer in the transformative power of story. In 1994 she was part of a Dallas Morning News team that won the Pulitzer Prize for a global project about violence against women. e-mail: beatriz@beatrizterrazas.com Carolyn Brown Zniewski has been a food writer and recipe columnist for ten years. She currently lives in Marathon. e-mail: publisher@cenizojournal.com Maya Brown Zniewski is an herbalist and soapmaker who enjoys frequent visits to the Big Bend area. Her handmade salves, soaps and tinctures are available at her website, maya- made.net. e-mail: mayamadeapothecary@gmail.com Cover: Emily Harmon. Title: Makers Make Believe, acrylic, approx 24" x 36" Copy editor: Carolyn Zniewski Published by Cenizo Journal LLC P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com C E NI ZO JOUR N AL ST AFF PUBLISHER Carolyn Zniewski 6 publisher@cenizojournal.com editor@cenizojournal.com business@cenizojournal.com www.nectarcomputers.com BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls Cenizo Fourth Quarter 2014 EDITOR Danielle Gallo WEB MANAGER Nectar Computers ADVERTISING Rani Birchfield advertising@cenizojournal.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION Wendy Lynn Wright graphics@cenizojournal.com